Sunday, March 25, 2012

Apology, and a new vision

I feel like an apology is long due. I did apologize individually to some people, but the fact is that I have the power to use this blog for good or for bad, to build up or to tear down. I chose the latter, and I very much regret it.  This blog shouldn't be an outlet for my anger. I should take my concerns to God and He should be the one to ease my distress, but I chose to take things into my own hands, and that is pride. While I think that some things I said were taken the wrong way, even though I didn't intend them to be offensive, the fact that they were taken that way shows that I should never have done it in the first place.

I also want to let everyone know that I regretted my last post within minutes, and I planned to delete it as soon as I had a chance, but it wasn't soon enough and people saw it. I am deeply sorry for that. I forgot that if I am angry at someone, I shouldn't blame an entire group of people, especially when I have so much respect for the rest of the group of people. Since I often work with children or teens, I have been told often not to single people out when I want to address something, but I really disagree with that now. Blaming a whole group for one person doesn't do any good.

I talked to a close friend about my guilt, and he recommended that I have someone else look over all my blog posts before I publish them, so I don't post anything I will regret later. I have taken his advice to heart.

So I've taken a month to evaluate and learn more about myself. And I discovered that I am really passionate about peace and justice, abhorring injustice and division. I do realize that I am a completely unfair person at times, that I do create drama and discord.  I hope to change that, especially during this Lenten season.

But God gave me a passion for justice and unity for a reason.

So here's what I've decided to do. I've been wondering about creating a new blog for some time now. I am going to stop writing on this one, and my new blog is going to be based on Catholic Social Teaching, ecumenism, and maybe even interreligious dialogue. I love CST, which one of my mentors calls "Catholicism's Best-Kept Secret." I also have written two major papers about the ecumenical movement: one about Catholic-Anglican efforts and one about reconciling the differences between the Catholic and Orthodox creeds. 

I hope to start this blog as soon as possible, kicking it off right during the season of Lent. I'm just searching for a good title right now, so if anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. If I hear no other suggestions, I'm going to go with "Think - Pray - Act".

So, again, I am very sorry to anyone I have offended or alienated. I didn't intend that at all, I was just venting my anger, but I never should have said what I did. I know nothing can take back what I said, so I ask for forgiveness and for prayers for God's grace to keep me from ever doing this again.
