Friday, August 5, 2011

Life is too precious to waste on this garbage

Dear TLC,
I'm not sure whether to thank you or to be extremely frustrated with you. So I hastily write this letter that you will likely never see, to get out my anger and, hopefully, to encourage others to watch your network with a cautious and wary eye.

First of all, a child is a PERSON, not an accessory. Yet time and time again I find shows on your network that treat precious human beings as mere objects. For example, just two such shows that activate my gag reflex are Toddlers and Tiaras and Dance Moms. I want to ask those mothers: what are you teaching your child about respect--self respect and respect of elders?  Instead of chasing your own dreams for your child, why don't you let them have their own dreams? Why are you so obsessed with having them live a life you want for them, instead of letting them listen to their own hearts? When you challenge the authority of their teachers and instructors, what are you telling them about authority?

And what about Jon and Kate Plus Eight--or now just Kate Plus Eight? They do have such an interesting story, but I wonder how much turmoil constant camera crews and fame created in their home--and how much of that led to the divorce.  Now, a single woman is left to care for eight children who are all around the same age. I can't even imagine the pain of infertility so I don't want to sound judgmental, but sometimes I wonder if the desire to have children is, for some people, a good desire twisted into something selfish.  Those children often end up treated as a parent's objects and not like the precious souls that they are. Many times I see myself frustrated even watching A Baby Story when I see even more children that are objectified, not welcomed, by their parents.

Also, a marriage is a holy sacramental union of two people with God in the most beautiful way, but your shows have reduced it to a day-long (or more) showing off of an expensive dress and the amount of money a couple is willing to spend at one time. The wedding ceremony often becomes a joke, or it focuses way more on the event than the actual beauty of marriage. Viewers pay more attention to the quality of the food at a reception or the decorations of the venue than the love the bride and groom have for each other (if, in fact, it is even there). I understand that unfortunately not everyone views marriage as I do--two people united before God--but even the love and the intimacy of marriage is lost to the wedding day. You even take it to the all-time low of "competing" for who can have the best wedding--as if you could measure the quality of a marriage by the amount of glamour of the wedding day!

And what in the world does TLC stand for? It once was The Learning Channel, but I'm not sure what I have learned from watching TLC, other than what kind of shoes to wear with a $200 pair of jeans (thank you What Not to Wear).  How is anything on your network educational? I'm not saying everything is bad. I enjoy watching Cake Boss from time to time, and I have seen some truly inspiring stories on other programs. I do also love the Duggar family and commend them for raising their children the way they do.  However, I know that you can make a quick buck off of reality-style TV and I'm sure that's your real motivation behind most series--plus you know the shock factor of shows such as My Strange Addiction is (ironically) addictive and keeps people watching. 

Finally, as I said in the beginning, maybe I should thank you. By showing me all of the horrible things going on in our society, I have resolved that, God willing I should be a mother, I will raise my children to be individuals and valued for who they are as people. I will not place so much emphasis on my wedding but rather on my marriage, and I will not become so wrapped up in materialism that I miss out on the important things in life. Nevertheless, I will not thank you for the thousands of other people who watch your channel and, God forbid, become like those very people you exploit and put on display for America to either accept or reject.

Watching No More

P.S. I know I have probably not watched enough TLC to accurately form a judgement, but I would rather not waste my time and frustration any more than I have.

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